Hi all,
I am still a newbie to Webflow and design in general - so I apologize in advance for the extra hand-holding I might need.
I’m desperately trying to figure out what is going wrong with my navigation.
I feel like I’ve got it to a good place on desktop view with how I want it to look and behave (full navigation with logo, nav links, and a visible burger menu that pops out to a side menu)
But whenever I switch to tablet or mobile view, everything on the nav bar beside the logo disappears. I checked to make sure the display is not set to ‘none’, and there doesn’t seem to be any interactions that are causing it to disappear.
Can someone PLEASE help me figure out where I’m going wrong?
Ultimately I would just like the logo and burger menu (with pop out side nav) to be shown on tablet view and smaller.
link is below
Here is my site Read-Only:
(how to share your site Read-Only link)