My Vision for the "Edit only" mode 🚀

Hey there :v:

I need your opinion on something…
I have a vision for the “Edit only” mode since quite a while and I want to know what you think about.

I want to have a Drag & Drop Website Builder inside the “Edit only” mode like Typo3, Drupal, etc.

This allows us to give our clients a user-account with the role “edit only” where they can freely build pages and add/remove/rearrange elements and edit content as they need.

To achieve this, we need 4 different features:

  • Make Components available in “Edit only” mode
  • Ability to add/remove pages in “Edit only” mode
  • New element “Dynamic Navigation”
    With this element you can create a navigation that automatically creates a new link in the navigation when you create a new page as an Editor
  • Expand the capabilities of Components
    • New property “Background Video”
    • New property “Lottie File”
    • New property “Color”
    • Compontent Slots (coming soon)

What do you think?
Any criticism or additions are welcome :blush::raised_hands:

PS: If you want to support my post on Wishlist… here you go: Drag & Drop Builder in “Edit only” mode | Webflow Wishlist

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This is how it is done in the tools I use and my clients can easily construct pages from components that I have coded and retain structural control over. They get the freedom that they want and I keep the sites operating and rendering as they should. Makes it easy to implement changes and improvments. Great news is you can accomplish this off Webflow. Bad news is you can’t do it here at this time. Maybe someday Webflow will provide a roadmap can use to keep track of what they are planning. The wishlist is a dumpster fire.

Thanks for sharing.

Thats exactly how it should be and what I would love to see in Webflow! :partying_face:

It looks a bit like Webflow is slowly moving towards something like this.
The Slots-feature that they announced for the Components is a small step in the right direction.
But if they keep the pace that they have right now, it will be 2035 when we get there :smiley:

They teased something like this in this years Conf so hopefully we see some updates on this early next year. Thankfully it’s not something I find folks asking for that often (if it’s needed I suggest other platforms) but it’s definitely a feature I’d love to offer my clients.

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Yes we also dont have many clients who proactively ask for this. But when we get a project we mostly decide in-team if we want to use Webflow or something else. And everytime when the client needs to have some freedom to edit the website, Webflow is instantly out of the game.

This is definitely the right way to approach things. I wish Webflow worked for more use cases as it excels in a lot of areas over other options but ultimately it all comes down to what works best for my clients.

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While we got Page Building for Marketers today; it looks like still no solution for dynamically updating navigation. Perhaps this is why they keep saying “landing pages” when showing the Page Builder. It just seems like such a basic entry point component for many clients coming from other CMS’ but still no solution for us agencies with clients who don’t want to pay us every time they need a page to appear in the nav.


@2X16 it would be nice to see the concept of “ordered page sets” introduced, which could be used in the same way CMS binding is used to populate collection lists - thumbnail, title, url, etc.

From that we could easily build dynamic navs and tile sets.

But for now you can hack something pretty similar using the CMS. The client would just have to add a row to the CMS every time they create e.g. a new “project portfolio” page in the page designer.

Thanks Michael… yeah, I’ve heard a few work arounds but all of them feel a little awkward/cumbersome for our clients coming from other CMS’ where this isn’t even a question.

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@2X16 @memetican
I actually think there is another big problem with the new Page Building feature.

Price for the Marketer role

Edit Mode was free for every website with a CMS plan or higher, but the new Marketer role will cost my clients additional $35.- per month! just so that they can edit their website?
If I compare this to the pricing of the CMS hosting ($23.-) this seems waaay to expensive just for the client to edit their site.

Maybe I missed something here - so correct me if I’m wrong. But to me it looks like Webflow tries to charge us for a feature that was free until now. (of course you can still use the old editor… but it was not updated since years and it is outdated)

What are your thoughts on this?


The Marketer role is a paid feature as well?! It’s just getting ridiculous at that point.
Every useful improvement of Webflow in recent years is costing way to much money. I serve mid sized companies and if I want to build a basic site including features like:

  • CMS Hosting 23$
  • Site Statistics 29$
  • 3 Languages 27$
  • Marketer Role 35$
  • Workspace plan 3 Users 19$

…I have to explain 133$ monthly hosting fees leading to a yearly cost of 1596$ per year?
How is this justified?

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Hmmm, yeah that does seem off… but I honestly didn’t hear/see anything about pricing. Where did you see it? I’m not seeing the ‘Marketer’ option on my account yet. Let me know if you get confirmation either way.

Also, if you want to push for dynamic nav, feel free to vote for it on the Wishlist here.

I think writing it on the wishlist for Santa Claus this christmas has a higher success rate…

There are so many basic requests on that webflow list from over 8 years ago which never got implemented


On-canvas editing was a huge step forward, and I am a bit disappointed that Webflow hasn’t yet replaced the old “content editor” seats ( 3 for CMS plan, 10 for Business ) with Editor-only designer seats.

That seems like an obvious migration to me, because it’s the same functionality, and it lets them simultaneously drop the content editor codebase and solve the localization support issue at the same time.

When you go beyond that base Site plan functionality, and want more designer capability, then a seat cost does make sense to me.

Marketer is an example of that- on the one hand it’s kind of an Editor+ role, but with page builder, etc it’s clearly going beyond that value proposition.

I’m wondering how this plays into the typical small-site setup, in which the hosted site is in the client’s workspace and they already have a designer seat since it’s their free workspace. With that, they can do unrestricted design on their hosted site.

The ideal config is to be able to voluntarily restrict the workspace owner’s account’s access to an Editor or Marketer role. Just to protect them so they can’t accidentally delete site parts, break the CMS structure, etc.


This makes absolutely sense. We should put a request on the wishlist to get you hired at webflow


Well said.
I also have to correct myself because my last comment was kind of misleading:
You can give your client access to the website with the Marketer role for free if you do it as @memetican described above.
But if you have your client projects in your own Workspace instead (as I do) you would have to add every client as a new Workspace member (which costs $35.- on an Agency plan) and give them the Marketer role.

I was looking for a solution to give clients access to the new build mode (or as a user with the marketer role) and found this thread. This is exactly my problem. We have clients who want to edit their own site, but adding an extra agency seat for $35 is way too expensive.

@2X16 Voted for the Dynamic Navigation :white_check_mark:


I’ve added a feature request to allow client access as a user with the marketer role to the wishlist: Marketer role / Build mode access for clients | Webflow Wishlist


@dom_westwerk voted for your request :white_check_mark:

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