Hi - this has been solved - basically a white page is shown while the text is translating for a brief second so users don’t see both languages. You can brand this white page if you wish, although it’s only visible for less than a second as the page loads.
Could you not just add the hreflang tag into the custom code section of the page? Maybe I don’t fully understand how hreflang works…
Hi Revolution! May I just ask how you went through the dynamic pages for several languages? Thanks!
too expensive, you could have used Welgot.
That seems expensive…
I’m new to Webflow, so I can’t tell anything about it. But I know that there exist website builders that allow to create such a site. For example, Webnode. Multilingualism is one of its main advantages. I’m sure, there are more variants. I can suggest checking https://www.webbuildersguide.com/ for more details.
Hi I find it is an old post, but still want to add some comments for future reference.
For SEO purpose, you may use subdomains having both English and Dutch version on the same site, and have your Dutch version under a subdomain(for example, wwww.example.com.nl). Besides, you may use hreflang tags to tell search engine your site structure of targeting multiple regions. You may read the post and find more details: Hreflang SEO guide for multilingual & regional websites
Additionally, for your multi-regional marketing, to better engage and bring local to visitors immediately, you may auto display correct language for you visitors. Geo Targetly might be the solution. It detects yours visitors’ locations by IP. You can easily set up rules redirecting visitors; each region can associate with individual URL, showing correct language. The service provides intuitive tools with no code required; Webflow is supported.
I found all current multilingual options to be expensive, when all I needed was a simple page translator, so I used Google Translate and jQuery to create a free and easy language switcher.
Check out the example I just posted: https://webflow.com/website/gtranslate
I hope this helps those who need it.
5 years later and this still seems to be impossible to do. Thank you, you’ve described it perfectly.
Yes, Weglot is an easy and excellent solution. And free if you dont need more than one translated language, and have less than 2.000 words.
The best way to create a multi-language website is to translate the pages and serve those pages depending on the origin of the user coming to your website.
So the structure you have adopted: one folder per language is good. Don’t change it.
You may want to look deeper into what type of UX/UI people are looking for in different markets.
A small example with webxloo:
Chinese love to have loads of information on the front page and do not like to dig too deep into the website. They also like to have quick access to the product owner/support service for instance.
While on the other hand, in the US, and France I think, people are more inclined to leaner, simpler designs.
I really love webflow but I find it really amazing that after 5 years there is no workaround for this issue.
It would be very easy to solve with just the following 1 minor change:
To be able to define the slug (url prefix) in the CMS however you want, including slash “/” character. Right now if you define it as “en/us”, then it changes to “en-us”.
This way, you could use the same prefix for collections with the same language. We would need to create new collections with each language in the CMS, but at least we could manage the URL structure for multilingual and multicountry.
I hope this wouldn’t take 5 more years of waiting.
Hi all!
I’m new Webflow and SEO. I’ve read two opinions for website translation (besides using Weglot and other third-party tools)
a) creating folders and having the other language as website.com/de
b) copying the whole website and having it under a different domain.
Which one is better for SEO?
We have EN and GE websites - translated by a professional translation agency so no need for automatic translation for now.
Thanks a lot!!
Hey everyone,
I’m an SEO expert and I have a client who wants to use webflow as their technology; their site will be in English and German and they asked me about the weglot plugin.
The weglot plugin does not make a SEO optimized site! We won’t be able to rank the site in Germany using weglot! Only use it if you don’t care about SEO. Weglot doesn’t change the URL or code of the page meaning that Google won’t even know that there exists another language!
You can use three options:
- Subdomain - put the language site on a separate subdomain - this is more of a solution for bigger companies taking into account that you have big sites. This is what I recommend to my client. Is it possible in Webflow? e.g. de.webflow.com and www.webflow.com
- Separate TLD - so you have two separate domains: webflow.com and webflow.de - that’s very good for your local rankings but it’s two sites which need to be fully maintained.
- Keep your language in a subdirectory - webflow.com/en and webflow.com/de - this is also a good option but I read before that it’s not possible. Usually it’s not very convenient option for website builders to have a separate site sitting on a subdirectory. It’s a good solution if you don’t want to maintain two sites and your page is not huge.
Everything else creates chaos and it’s hard for Google to distinguish between the separate versions. Don’t start making language versions of specific pages and keep them all together.
Can you create subdomains on Webflow?
@alissa04 I’ve recently added weglot to a client’s site. You can have subdomain on weglot, shouldn’t that solve the SEO problem?
@dannyhartanto it depends. i need to see an example. from the examples I saw you click on the different language and nothing changes but the content (url and everything stays the same).
@alissa04 Take a look here and find almost at the bottom the post by Augustin the CEO of Weglot: Multi-language sites and CMS fields | Webflow Wishlist
Weglot is 100% SEO friendly if you set it up correctly apparently. We are also just in the process of trying it out, I can report back.
Of course all this is still a super shitty solution to a problem, that would be infinitely better if solved by Webflow themselves. But they just said its not a priority so it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if 5 years from now this thread is still going.
Hey everyone,
I duplicated pages & created folders to put them in so I can change their content to the right language.
The only problem is that I can’t figure out is how to connect my language dropdown in my navbar to those specific folders that have the pages in the different languages.
doen anyone knows how to do this.
Thanks in advance and enjoy the weekend!
Check out Dilingual.com
Hey folks as a Webflow Enterprise Partner (minimum.run), we have been faced with clients who say “no” because of the multilingual.
That’s why we have created a tool for the Webflow community, that allows creators to translate their projects into multiple languages.
(the product works, we already have customers and +100 free users)
We already know about Webflow multilingual release for next year, and our tool will add more features, value, and superpowers to those translations.
(e.g you can use Webflow native forms, or you can use Typeform because it adapts to your needs).
You can see a product demo here
Let me know if you need help