Mulitlingual Site - Best Solutions for SEO

Hi all,

I am building my ecommerce site in Webflow and plan to make it multilingual. Two languages will be available: french (native) and english. I do not plan to make more languages available in the near future.

I am not sure what is the best solution to make my site multilingual between the following solution:

  • duplication of each page in Webflow
  • use or a third-party service, such as Weglot

I am looking at SEO of course but also at the day to ay site management (blog articles, etc.)

I think it will depend on the complexity of your project, I’ve found that having translated pages inside the project perform better than using a third party service, plus you have more control of everything happening in both languages.

Feel free to reach out if you need help.

What about the utility pages such as the checkout or order confirmation page ? All will they be translated if no third party is involved ? Can I create two iterations of these pages and make webflow open the suitable page according to the language selected ?

Good point, unfortunately not. You would need a third party tool for this specific case if you want to keep everything in the same project.

Well that solves the problem I guess

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Hi @martinreboux,

Eugene from Weglot.

Weglot subdomain solution complies with all the necessary SEO requirements so your translated pages are automatically indexed on Google. And Weglot also translates the checkout and order confirmation pages :slight_smile:

If you need any help while testing Weglot out, you can contact our support team:

Hi @eugene_weglot,

I will have a try because of the checkout and order confirmation page translation.

Hi there! You may potentially duplicate each page and have two domains for your French and English version ecommerce sites. In this way, it gives you the best flexibility to control differences of products, prices, shipping costs, stock availability etc.

With multi-sites setting, you may auto direct your visitors to correct URLs based on their locations, for example, using Geo Targetly.

As for SEO, due to multiple versions of content with slight variations, it is possible to violate the duplicate content penalty from google. But as long as you set up hreflang tag correctly and let the google understand your multilingual site structure, it won’t effect your website SEO. For more details on how to set up hreflang tag, you may look at the post:

Hope it helps!