Multi Step Form - Submit of Data

Hello guys and gals, hope you are doing fine!

I have a question I just set up a multi step form:
and I realized the data get’s only transferred via E-Mail to me as a lead as the customers “submits” the data at the end of the form. (Like 6 Steps)

As we are gonna run Google Ads and a lot of customers will fall off in the process of entering theire data I wanted to ask if there is a way to get access to the info of people who only entred step 1 or two and did not move until the last step?

I know technically this is totally doable but I just did not figure out how this can be achieved here in Webflow!

Thanks a lot for the help!


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

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did this question ever get answered?

I have an identical question as I will be running ads to a survey and partial submissions are guaranteed.

the first question in the survey is an absolute must have as its an Address collection