Multi-line plain text CMS fields are not respecting line breaks in page

Hey all,

I have multi-line plain text fields with content that has line breaks which you can clearly see in the CMS manager and also in the editor on the page, all shows correctly with line breaks.

But when you publish and go look at live website, line breaks are all gone…

Any ideas?

Thank you for your help!!!

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Ok, so I found the issue for anyone that gets this issue.

In settings for typography, there is an option “Breaking” and you must set it to “Break Spaces” as shown below:


ah perfect. Thanks for posting the solution.

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@michaelrouveure Hero! :slight_smile:

Thank you so much, you just saved a life :sob:

Thanks this worked!!!

I have the weirdest issue like this.

I duplicated the two sections and they all have the same class settings. Both are plain text fields (which I use to simplify automation). But on the back end on the actual CMS form, the first block of text has line breaks and the second doesn’t. I’ve tried adding them elsewhere and pasting it back, holding down shift, but every time you click out of the CMS plain text field, you can see they return to no line breaks. This is what it shows on the front end, even though the sections are duplicated. I even tried syncing the “broken” (no line breaks) plain text field on the Designer side with the CMS plain text field that is working, and it works fine.


I suppose I’ll rich text that field for now. But I’d really like to figure it out so I can not have to manually fix a handful of text fields every time I post a handful of blogs next week.

FWIW the text has line breaks in Notion database. And the mapping through Make (Integromat) is identical. I’ve removed the CMS field and re-added it and it didn’t help (which is a rather large amount of work).

Stumped. Feeling like it must be something about the CMS form considering it works when I swap the upper and lower text field mapping. Not that I know how to do anything about that kind of issue.

Thanks all.

I just looked at the other CMS collection items and they mostly work.

So there must be some trick to getting the line breaks I add to a plain text field on the CMS form…

Ahh sorry to reply again, but I just saw on this one (both Designer front end and CMS field back end) one line break is respected and the other’s are not.

In the same plain text field.

But if I add new returns, or hold shift and add a new return, they disappear the second I click out of the form field!

New lines start with "» " – this is the problematic weird plain text field that half works and half doesn’t shown from Designer and from CMS form:

There has to be a simple trick. Please help!

You made my day!! Perfect solution

Glad to hear it worked!

I have been stuck on this for ages! thank you. problem solved.