Multi column slider that ends on specific slide


I’m building a multi column slider on this page:

But I need it to stop at the third from last slide. I’ve found some hacks that just place more slides within the last slide, but I need this to work with dynamic content as well - any tips on how to write some custom code for this (only needs to work on screens > 479px)?

Hope that someone’s able to help me out :slight_smile:

Here is my public share link:
(how to access public share link)

Have you tried making “carousel-mask” a width of ‘auto’ and then try inputting “100/3%” as the width for “carousel-card”, so it evenly splits 3 into view at all times. It might work, not for sure though. Let me know if it helps!

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Asked a developer to do some custom code instead, so that the arrow (next) just disappears when the third to last slide i active.