Hello, I’m new in Webflow. I’ve decided to move my new company website from wordpress to webflow. Our website is very well referenced in Google, and I’m afraid to loose that by moving the website. We need to either maintain or improve the SEO, we have more pages in the new website, and we also use the same keywords that we used before, with much more text.
Do you know if just by changing the host platform, it could jeopardise the SEO? Even if I keep the domain and include the things mentioned before? What else I could do to maintain/improve the SEO?
I would not rely on simple advice in a forum to be an authoritative source of information that has the potential impact on your business that a site move has. Instead, I recommend you thoroughly review the following link, then implement a plan.
If you have a significant income risk from a loss of traffic over the holidays, I would consider avoiding making the change until they are over. You can also consider hiring someone that can bring experience and skills to bear.
You have seen my post in the webflow forum, so I assume you understand my problem,
“Hello, I’m new in Webflow. I’ve decided to move my new company website from wordpress to webflow. Our website is very well referenced in Google, and I’m afraid to loose that by moving the website. We need to either maintain or improve the SEO, we have more pages in the new website, and we also use the same keywords that we used before, with much more text.
Do you know if just by changing the host platform, it could jeopardise the SEO? Even if I keep the domain and include the things mentioned before? What else I could do to maintain/improve the SEO?”
Hi Victoria, I am trying to do the same. Move my companys current wordpress site to a webflow site without losing any of the SEO ranking we’ve built up over the years.
Just wanted to know if you were able to successfully switch your websites without losing your SEO ranking, and what was the process if so.