Why can I not drag a folder in the pages panel to the top of the list (from the bottom to first folder under Home page)? I can only move a folder into another folder, but not between folders. I noticed someone asked this very question in 2017. Has this issue still not been fixed? "Drag to reorder" folder in Pages panel is not working correctly
Hi @CuriousChip,
Can you please post the site Read-Only link, and let us know which Folder you’d like to move, so that we can take a look on our end?
Thanks in advance, and I’ll be standing by for your reply.
Hi Nita,
Thanks much for your reply, and apologies for the delay in getting back to you. The read only link is https://preview.webflow.com/preview/woodsmokepollution?utm_source=woodsmokepollution&preview=afc97f872a38062695b2acb11df3e82a
In the pages panel, I am trying to move the Health Folder so that it is the first one listed under the Home page. Thanks!
Hi @CuriousChip
Thanks again for posting here.
It looks like this is a known issue that we don’t have a good solution for at this time. This is definitely an annoying bug, but thankfully the folder/page order doesn’t affect the live site.
The only workaround here I think would be to remove the folders, reorder the pages, then create folders as needed - not ideal for sure, but should help until we can address the issue
Thanks, Brando, for your reply. I thought that might be the case, given the forum thread from 2017. I do hope this eventually gets fixed.
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