“Drag to reorder” folder in Pages panel is STILL not working correctly

This issue has been brought up multiple times in the last 3 1/2 years, but here it goes again

This happens when there’s a lot of folders in the panel. I can’t drag a folder and drop in in-between 2 other folders. In fact, I can not even select a page and drop it in-between 2 folders. It’s just not possible. I can only select a page or folder and drop it in-between 2 pages.

Can we please get this fixed. It’s very frustrating.


Wow, your post is almost two years old and this STILLLLLL doesn’t work. :man_facepalming:t2:


I’d like to rearrange my highest level page folders. The interface only lets me drop existing folders into other existing folders. Given the top post here, I take it that this is a bug, not a feature or a lack of a feature?


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July 2023, and still not working…

Having troubles with reordering of folders… Need to be able to make them into alphabetical order but dragging folders in-between other folders is not working.

Same problem. Is there any work around?

Going on 3 years now and still an issue.

Hello, webflow!?
How is this still a problem? This is beyond frustrating.

4+ years :melting_face:
I’m baffled that this is still not fixed.

Well, hmm… is it not? I just poked around at it, and I was able to get the folders to move where I wanted them, though only if I had the nearby folders in a ‘closed’ state. Not the most intuitive UX (their own on-page element tree allows for this by moving the mouse left/right to help indicate whether you’re trying to place the selection inside or beside a nearby container), but if the functionality is there, I’ll take it. :)