Mobile Menu button not working outside of designer

I can’t figure out why the mobile hamburger menu isn’t working on the live website. It works in the designer, but does not work in the published preview. I’ve checked the z-index, I’ve made sure everything is set to display. Really stumped here and need a pair of eyes not involved in the project to take a peek!

Here is the link:

If something is overlapping your objects, they won’t function. I’ve had this happen to me in the past.

Do you mean overlapping the menu icon? Or where exactly? This is the first time I’ve had this issue.

Yes. Overlapping the menu button. When I had objects to close or Overlapping the menu. It wouldn’t open up.

Hm. I’ve moved items away from the menu button - hidden everything else that I could see being an issue. Still isn’t working.

Can you post a link?

Certainly. I thought I did in the original post - but here is a link: Read-Only Link

Fixed. It looks like it was your side menu on the left. The problem that I saw is your side menu has two scroll down feature in the overflow section. I got rid of that in, “navbar” and turned it to “overflow visible” This got rid of the scroll and allowed your menu to open up in mobile. Plus it looks cleaner without the scroll bar. Overall, you have a beautiful designed website. Basically, you have to get rid of them, when you click on the “navbar” turn the first one to overflow eye logo and then click on the submenu and do the same.

Thank you so much for figuring this out! I ended up putting a completely different mobile menu in and it worked - but if the client wishes to have the old one back, I will implement your fix.

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No problem. Yeah, the scrolling inside of the menu navbar prevented that. Design and function wise, in my opinion, your client will be very happy. I really dig the site. Also. It looked you had two mobile menus going on.

I almost forgot to add, just in case you bump into the issue again. Your menu always opened up. The problem was, you had to use the scroll button in order to see it.