Mobile Dropdown Menu BG Colour

Hi Guys,

This may be super obvious to yee, but just can’t quite figure out myself.

If you check the below link, you’ll see there’s a hamburger menu in desktop version. If you click on that you’ll see the look I’m going for. However there is grey space under the Navlinks, in the Nav Menu. I can’t seem to set that colour to white, it keeps defaulting back to grey and obviously the most desirable look is to have to white.

When I click in the settings for the nav menu to fill the whole screen, it doesn’t quite do so. I would ideally like to have the whole menu containter white, and when you click in the menu it fills 100% of the viewscreen (at the moment it fills a little over that).

Any ideas what I’m doing wrong here?

Thanks a million in advance.

All the best,


Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK](Webflow - Carroll Architects)
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi billy

columns - webflow 2014. use Grid or flex

Beautiful! Thank you so much!