Different Nav Buttons in the same Nav Bar

Hi Guys,

I’m hoping you may be able to help me. I’m creating a Nav Bar at the moment, and looking to create sub navs within that Nav Bar. The effect I’m trying to achieve is that the menu looks like a standard menu of 4 links. But three of the links are actually drop down Nav menus that display a large, screen wide menu, much as you achieve in mobile version. If you go into my rough menu in the below link, you’ll see when the Nab button is set to open in designer mode, you can see the look I’m going for.

However on the live site the dropdown won’t go full screen. Is there a setting I’ve missed perhaps.

Also, is it possible to have three navs in the one container. Each of those drop downs be different, and the client is really keen to have this feature. I’m not sure if I’m creating an abomination that can’t function or there is just a setting somehwere that’s tripping me up.

Any help would be deeply appreciated.

All the best,


Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK]1
(how to share your site Read-Only link)