Missing CMS fields via linked product (ecommerce item)

Hi all,

I have a CMS collection of recipes, each of which is connected to a product.

I am attempting to display the linked recipe on the product page, but not all the fields are available to show.

Could this be linked to the plan I have? (Currently free - I will pay for a CMS plan as soon as I need to in the building process).

Other than this, I have no idea and it feels broken.

All CMS Recipe fields:

Available fields on linked product page are as follows:

I’d like to get ingredients, directions, image etc.

Thank you

Here is my public share link: [LINK][1]
[1]: Webflow - Red Hot Pepper Pot

Reached out to support and they gave me the answer I was looking for.

You will only see relevant fields for the element type you have added. So for Rich text fields to appear as an option, it would need to be on a Rich text element, for an image, it would need to be on an image element and so on.

Seems obvious now haha.

Thanks to the support guys anyway.