Membership / paywall / user login solutions?

Hello – given that user login and membership functionality is the wishlist item with the most votes, I was curious if anyone could share names of third party solutions they are currently using for this functionality.

There seem to be a number of existing solutions that would work with webflow (membershipworks, Pelcro, Subscription DNA, Subscription Genius are a few).

All of them have the ability to protect page content by inserting code into webflow. The solutions vary however based on cost, analytics, and ability to customize elements of the login experience.


Memberstack by @DuncanHamra

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Thank you, however I thought Memberstack hasn’t yet launched?

1 Like is alive and well. It’s used by hundreds of happy Webflowers, and we’re always building new templates.

MemberStack has an unlimited free trial, so you can test your entire site before you have to pay, and we’re happy to help out if you ever get stuck.

If you have any questions or need any help please join our slack group, or contact us directly at


Hey wanted to let you know MemberSpace is now available for Webflow too! Here’s a template you can clone to get started. We have true server-side content protection and almost any feature you can think of for a membership site :slight_smile:

If you have any questions feel free to DM me :+1:


i know that can`t do more that one membership plan at one users. so i cannot use it.

maybe you know who give this features?

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Hi @11123.
Josh from Foxy here. Our platform may be able to help. Mind sending your specific needs to More info about our seamless integration with Webflow can be found here: Webflow |


Hey so with MemberSpace your members can join more than 1 plan at a time. I’d be happy to walk you through it on a Zoom call, just pick a day/time here: Calendly - Ward Sandler (MemberSpace)

I am building a directory called Cropify that will allow free and paying users to view lab analytics for food from restaurants, farms, and distributors. There will be progress bars that show how popular a food is as more members click to view each section of content within the website, and users’ micro-payments to access that data will support testing of the food items in the real world.

So there’s a good degree of interactivity sort of like Airbnb or Turo.

Is there any way to do that with Webflow and a membership management software? I’ve looked at Knack and other database tools too.

Some general feedback based on my experiences… I think it would depend on the exact functionality you need. You’ll need a paywall / membership management solution, of which a number are discussed in this thread.

As my project went on I hit too many limitations with the CMS (Webflow’s name for the database-like functionality). It’s a really nice Webflow feature and sets Webflow apart from Square, Weeby, etc., but it doesn’t match all of the features and functionality of dedicated database software, and as I went along I realized that’s what I needed.

I noticed in the summaries of the recent Webflow conference that one of the presenters (Unicorn Factory, I think) discussed an app building approach that tied together Webflow with a database provider and paywall provider.

I also recently came across which promises to tie together the website design, database and paywall in one solution. I haven’t had the chance to check it out however.

In general, the challenge with systems I’ve used (3 so far) to build a data-driven app is that the systems don’t lay out all the limitations upfront, or not even in the documentation. So the only way to find the limitations is to build within the system, which takes a ton of time because you first need to learn the system. As you go along, you start hitting limitations and then need to decide if:
a) you can live with the limitation(s)
b) if there’s a coded work-around
c) you can wait for the system to address the issue (my advice is to not hold your breath unless the system has confirmed they are working on it and promised a date)
d) there’s another system you can integrate to provide what’s missing
e) if the number of limitations is getting so large that you need to look elsewhere

For a simple app, you might find a system that does everything you need easily. As it gets more complex, the above comes into play.

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As with many software options, there are limitations without a doubt. But I do really like Webflow’s interface. I wonder if there are othre SaaS options that would add onto it to allow me to design in Webflow and then drop that into another tool or vice versa.

What other database softwares have you used or considered?

Hey All :wave:

Disclosure: I am a founder of Authpack

@bgschust the Authpack user login system works on all web projects including Webflow websites, React apps, Vue apps, etc. We do not require a payment card as user and teams accounts are unlimited.

You can also charge your users (or teams) a recurring subscription fee for access to gated content. All transactions are processed through your own Stripe account.

Hope this helps!

I like how clean your homepage is but I am hesitant to use Authpack in its current form for two main reasons: 1) 2% of sales is a huge chunk. If I gave that away for every feature I needed, I wouldn’t have any revenue left to give. 2) I need member-specific CMS data. Each member on my site should have their own CMS collections that can refer to items in the general CMS collections.

The most prominent example is purchase history (order history) of individual items ordered through Webflow e-commerce. This is similar to having CMS lists, but these CMS lists are private and member-specific.

Legitimate, authentic product ratings are incredibly valuable for online sales, and purchase verification is one of the most important parts of rating authenticity. Member-specific dynamic content is the basis for that and many other beneficial, advanced features that no-code developers such as me can use.

If there is an easy workaround, I’m all ears!

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Jack, I might have misunderstood the 2% commission. I was thinking it might apply to everything including items. It’s probably based on membership sales, right?

I think Shield is what your are looking for !

This looks to be a firebase application backend? I am interested to know if you could just use the firebase backend and authentication with custom code on authentication? Interesting idea.

Hey, a year later, just curious what you used/what route you went? As I noticed, a newer poster, a lot of these might be managed on Firebase (google’s easy backend solution, very cool)

Also curious to see if you could use zapier to link these together.

To use Shield you have to provide a Firebase account.

With this approach you remain “owner” of your user’s data. You are not bind to a small third-party auth provider. And moving away from Shield is easy as all your users are stored in Firebase.

Also Shield is compatible with Zapier.
From your Shield project dashboard, you can setup a webhook to get notified when a user has logged in / signed-up.

Hey @11123,

Super late reply here but thought i’d share an update with you and for any future thread readers!

As you said Memberstack 1.0 didn’t allow multiple memberships but Memberstack 2.0 is now live (:tada:) and multiple memberships are now possible (hurrahh!) I’ll add some handy links, here you can signup for a 2.0 account and here are our docs on how multiple memberships work.

Let us know if you have any questions, anything goes! Excited to hear what you think about 2.0!

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Along with all the great solutions already mentioned (some of which I personally use, and love :heart: ) we’ve fast forwarded a couple of years and Webflow has released their native Memberships / Paywall / User Login feature as another option:

Along with a Zapier / Make (Integromat) feature:

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