Hi there. We are running into some issues with the Membership site and looking for help.
Issue 1 - we don’t get notified through Webflow when someone registers for a membership. Where does that data go? Does anyone know why this is a thing?
Issue 2 - Webflow does not have native Zapier integrations for Membership actions / updates
Issue 3 - Webflow API does not allow for us to get the Custom Fields on member sign up forms.
Does anyone have any ideas or experience with work arounds for this?
Thanks for the above. That was exactly What i was looking for. Do you have any video tutorial by chance?
I’ve created a Zapier/Make account. For example in Make.com after adding a webhook, do i set the trigger to Custom mailhook or Custom webhook?
In the document guides about, it is about sending data via webhook to airtable, but shall i ignore these guides to a degree and use yours?
You make it sound so easy " Send that Webhook to Make (Integromat), Zapier, or Webflow Logic and pop off an email to yourself."
Webflow Logic is the most difficult. Zapier has a built in email service, so they are the easiest (Email by Zapier). Make falls in-between, but it’s my goto.
They have a Gmail Module that integrates easily. They have other email providers integrated as well.
Not for what I’ve outlined about, specifically. Sorry.
You’ll want to set the Custom Webhook option. If you run through this screencast: