Markdown support in rich text elements

Today we’re adding markdown support to rich text elements on the canvas and rich text fields in the CMS to make it easier to add content to your site.

Bold or italicize text, add headings, and more on canvas or in the CMS without leaving your keyboard.

Learn more about markdown support on Webflow University.


Cool! I just read the update and was looking for the word API — does this include the ability to send markdown to a RTF element when adding content to the CMS via API?? :smiley:


At this time, sending markdown to a rich text field via the API is not supported, but we like the idea. :smile:

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Thanks for the reply! So question — I’ve been jumping all kinds of hoops using up CMS fields to publish from API and have headers, body text, etc. etc. pretty design legible design. Too many blogs and scaling currently and no time or ability to hire, aye. But the other day I set up a code embed on the page that pulled part of the code for a podcast so that it was updated every day. (It is meant for viewing on mobile but It works great and now I’m stuck wondering if I should be / if it is possible for me to post HTML to a PTF in the CMS, and have the Designer set up to display that, formatted, pretty H1-3 and text body element.

More to my question I guess, it did work once but now the PTF are sometimes pulling the link-breaks from the HTML. I know PTF can do that. I don’t know much about HTML (I have the page formatted in Notion which can export the markdown in API and then convert it to HTML – also I had GPT fancy up my headings and such and provide me the HTML which worked).

So my question is, is there something I can do that maintains the HTML even if the PTF randomly decides to not hold line breaks (it does upon API placement, but if I edit anything in the CMS it looses the line breaks lol).

Like HTML needs those link breaks, yeah?

Am I missing some kind of work around? Does no one else with a Webflow also function as a one-man marketing team? Lol

A better example is probably that I excitedly thought I could post a table today. It looked great. Then the line breaks all got sucked out lol. I feel like I’m missing something, but I’m hoping it isn’t manpower. Ain’t got no more labor capital rn.

I’ve been trying to achieve this for a while and still haven’t found a solution or workaround. It would be great if this was possible and would save me a lot of manual copy pasting.

Up until today I would have Markdown content in GoogleDoc taht I would then copy/paste into Rich Text Element in the CMS. While time-consuming, it worked well.

BUT since this morning copy/pasted Markdown in Rich Text Field in the CMS does NOT formate properly anymore.

Are you aware of this?

Hey @Matthieub that doesn’t sound like expected behavior. Please go to to report the issue and the site involved.

Markdown support does not seem to work for us - typing or pasting markdown does not apply any formatting. Do we have to turn it on somewhere?