I have a MailChimp integrated form on my site that has been styled and has worked well for weeks.
Suddenly, it has stopped sending data to MailChimp.
I get no error message on my site (“Oops! There is some error…”)
Even if try and submit the form with an email address that already exists in my MC subscriber database, I do NOT get the ‘Oops!..’ message (I am using this as a debug step to verify that MC is not even SEEING the incoming data.)
I have checked and double-checked every field name, the ‘Action’ code is the correct string from MC, ‘Method’ is set to POST, etc.
AND: If I remove the entire entry from the ‘Action’ field in webflow form settings, I get a Webflow email showing me the new signup. So, WF is working, it’s the POST feature that isn’t.
Here’s the SHARE LINK: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/cfapsite?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=dashboard&utm_content=cfapsite&preview=7223251e6b70e436ecee09336b44e732&mode=preview
The offending form is on the page n75t
This just stopped submissions to my site! Yikes!