My client uses AirTable to manage their dynamic content, so I set up @Finsweet 's Nobull extension to sync that AirTable content with the Webflow Collections on their site. Works great. I’ve also set up Zapier to automatically add their Instagram posts to a Webflow connection.
Now that I’ve added Localization to their site, none of the new items that they add to AirTable or Instagram will appear in their localized (secondary location - Spanish) collections.
Does localization only work with items manually created within the Webflow CMS? Will nothing added by API sync? Has anyone else run into this, or found a workaround? It’s a disaster for my client’s workflow!
Correct, for my clients, I see this as the #1 show-stopper for a lot of Localization implementations.
The lack of automated translation support means;
Sites relying on automated content feeds are broken
The Editor is useless in localized sites
Clients must either get designer access and be trained in the use of the designer ( and the site transferred to them ), or they require my team to perform translations with every content update.
A lot of designers have surfaced this critical flaw. I’ve no idea if or how Webflow plans to remedy that issue.
Same, but Whalesync and Notion, logged a support query and waiting to hear what they say, looks like if the item isn’t created in Webflow it doesn’t show in secondary locals and I can’t see a way to create them from the Designer.
What a bummer. Definitely a critical flaw! (And yes, re: Editor mode… shocking to me that the client can’t edit localized content from there. Seems like a pretty obvious need.)
Webflow support got back to me on this as well. They said that technically you can create localized items via API and shared this documentation.
But I’m a designer and no-coder, and this is a developer solution - the javascript in here is beyond me! I guess I’ll wait and hope that the folks at @Finsweet or @whalesync add a no-code solution for this to their products.
Got feedback from Webflow support and you can add content, but you need to use cmsLocaleId
Specifically, you can add update and add items to your secondary locale CMS via the API, but you’ll need to include cmsLocaleId in the body of the request.
Here are the API doc, check the section on cmsLocaleId, you’re gonna need to map that field in WhaleSync and then get the Locale Id’s as far as I can tell. Haven’t had time to try yet.
Yeah, Whalesync confirmed no support for localization yet. Webflow support also confirmed most services don’t support the new api yet. So no real easy no-code support like Whalesync that works at the moment.
Hello, I believe Webflow recently updated their API there is a new method that creates CMS items with locales so maybe Whalesync and Nobull just have to update things from their end but Webflow API is now supporting localization I’ve already tried it.
Has anyone found a way to use webflow localization with airtable yet?
The API seems to be insufficient so far; whalesync founder told me:
That API does allow us to create new items with localization but we don’t have a way to edit/delete them (in general manage them) without building something bespoke.
Sharing your feedback with the team though as one day it would definitely be great to find a workaround.
Does anyone know what f’insweet are up to with their CMS bridge (the new nobull?)?