Will the localization feature automatically translate my CMS?

Hey! I’m thinking of adding the localization feature to my website.

Do you know if enabling localization will automatically translate all my blog posts from my CMS?


Does anybody have an idea?

No, it won’t. But you can go to to CMS and translate it there – either manually or with the automated once-click translation. But you do have to go in and do it.

Thanks! So the one-click translation will translate my CMS content if I click it?

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Hi Jakub,

where do I find that one-click for translation in the CMS?


Adding localization to your website is a cool idea. But, nope, it won’t automatically translate your blog posts. You’ll need to translate them manually or use translation plugins if your CMS supports them.

Hi !
I tried it today, and yes :

  • For CMS Items, you need to go into your CMS base and for each field, you need to click (twice sometimes) on the picto next to the label field to translate it.
  • For your pages, you can do it by right-click on body item and translate it directly.

But I’m asking if it works with tools like airtable / nobulk for big database like I have (2000+ items). So I tried to translate some items randomly and then to synchronize from Airtable to Webflow. I doubt it works, if someone have a solution or any idea about it, i’ll take it !

Oh, that’s awesome! How good is the translation? Do they use a third-party provider?

Little update : It works with Airatble / Nobulk ! :zap: Webflow seems keep translate on an ID even if I change any field from Airtable. So that’s a very nice new.

For translation, it looks like any Google translate : not that good, but making you a very good base. You can change it at any time and it does it for free (I mean no limit or word count, or maybe I’m wrong but it looks like it’s ok so far), and that is very powerful.

I was not really interested by localization, more by translation and I did the try for 2 langages. It costed me 108$/year for English/French website. I actually have more than 200 000 words on my website, Weglot tooked me a custom billing more thant 2000$/month so… It’s 100% worth it :sweat_smile:

Awesome, thanks for the update! My mom is an english/french translator — I’ll have her check it out ahah

Sounds like a good (and lucky) solution !

From what I’ve seen it translating English to Czech, it made some mistakes, but only on the level of tone/what kind of language to use. The website is targeted to traders, so they have a pretty niche terminology in different languages. Other than that, it was pretty good! And a great start.