Publish Localized Items

Hey guys, thanks for the invite.
So i have been working on adding support for Localization in Whalesync, we were thinking on managing each language separately, and from what i read on your docs it makes sense to do so, Creates Updates and Deletes work perfectly and only for the selected language (sending the cmsLocaleId as param or inside the body as required).
My problem started when trying to create a new record specifically for 1 language (this record doesn’t exist on the primary language) after that i wanted to publish it through the publish (POST) API , the v2 docs don’t state any params for the cmsLocaleId and when trying to use it with just the id of the record it returns a not found error. Based on the other APIs i assumed each language was able to manage their own records hence why i’m using it like that but the publish API seems different from the rest.
Is there a workaround for this or we are just using it wrongly and maybe we should tell users to publish records from the primary language? does publishing primary language records publishes that record through all languages? seems odd since you can create records only on one language so yeah a bit confused by how the docs state this feature and how it’s supposed to work.

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@Lucio_Cesolari Did you ever find an answer to this?

@Lucio_Cesolari Did Webflow ever answer? @WebflowCommunityTeam This is a much needed feature!!

Hey @Lucio_Cesolari - late reply here, but we’re working on addressing this proble in upcoming API updates, specifically around targeted locale publishing via the Publish Item API. Stay tuned (and follow along with our changelog for more details)

Oof, this is a tough limitation - a showstopper for automations. @zachplata - do you know what the timeframe is? Also, is there a way to subscribe to the Changelog? Thanks

No public timeframe to share, but we definitely hear the feedback loud on this one, so I don’t expect it to stay in the backlog for long.

Also unfortunately not a native way in the docs site to subscribe there but I’ll do my best to update this thread when we have some updates on this being at least in the beta APIs.