I run into a weird issue that appeared suddenly. Here’s what I am doing with webflow, zapier and memberstack:
I have a Webflow form linked to Memberstack to create users’ accounts
I create a live collection item in Zapier in order to have user pages later
I then create a second live collection item (in another collection) to create private user pages
I keep having the following error at the second OR third step.
“The app returned “ValidationError: Validation Failure”. This usually happens when your Zap is missing a required field or a field value isn’t in a recognized format.”
At some point I had this error “ValidationError: Provided ID is invalid” but I can’t find it again (it was a bit hidden in Zapier)
I created new collections (same model) and it worked fine again.
For my tests, I delete the live items everytime.
The second time I use the same data, the API call fails.
It looks like I can’t re-use the names/slugs I have already used (eventhough I deleted the live items).
Hi all, I’m currently encountering the exact same issue, and have been troubleshooting for the past 2.5 FULL days. Was working fine, then stopped. Have done all the same steps as you @francoischay. I’m losing my mind. And to specify I am running into the issue with posting to CMS collection.
Really disappointed. I jumped on the platform recently as I was hooked by its power. I paid today a full year to be able to leverage APIs and now I’m stuck. I thought I was doing something wrong but it looks like this problem is all over the places and the years, back in 2017 for what I’ve seen on the web.
I am now also experiencing this exact issue under the same circumstances. Has been working for weeks. Was doing some testing. Initially got that “Provided ID” error but now only get the “Validation Failure”
Figured out why it was happening to me. Collection ID’s changed when I reverted to a previous backup, causing validation errors due to the ID being used being no longer correct.
I don’t even juse multi-ref things, and also i only want to add a new item (and afterwards get the webflow ID to add to a Google Sheet.
Was working yesterday, now i also get the Validation errors.
Might/could this be a rate thing ? (you can only access /read/write into the webflow database a certain amount of times (i read there is a 60 operations per minute thing, but it can also deplete if you constantly use this for hours - or many more per minute…)
This is not good for Webflow and/or Zapier.
Once setup and working, these things should never break like this.
Argh isn’t that the worst, I’m going through that right now — changing all of my CID’s and ID’s and then retesting all zaps so they function again. About 8 hours of work all because of an innocent click of a button (publishing a backup).
I’m having the same exact issue. I add extra fields that absolutely should work, and after verifying everything was correct I still get the validation error.
The Webflow CMS integrated with Zapier was a major deciding factor on why I migrated away from Wordpress and Wix, so I’d really appreciate some addressing by the Webflow developers.
I am having the same issue… but recreating the zap didn’t work.
Same issue happens for Zapier actions “Create Live Item in Webflow” or “Create Item in Webflow”