I have a little crisis here, my homepage works well in the designer, however, when testing in the browser, interactions fail to work. only when I scroll down and back up, they start to work.
I’m encountering these glitches sometimes, that the designer preview occasionally fails to show interactions, and I’m not sure if it’s something to be fixed in my interactions, or just a bug in the designer.
you can see a preview here, but you have to scroll down and back up to see what I’m trying to achieve.
the strange thing is that it already worked, and then stopped working…
When I visit the site with Safari I see interactions on the text in the hero section. I don’t se any interaction when scrolling down and back up though. Have tried to empty the cache in the browser? Helps sometimes
I tried updating everything, seems to work on my end, background color changing when scrolling.
in the next days I’ll take care of the responsive version, right now should work well on desktop.
please tell me if things work well, or if you notice any glitches on your desktop computer.