Link Issues with copy and pasting

Hello everyone,

I am quite new to webflow and I recently graduated from college and made a portfolio. I just published a site that people can see. The problem I am having is with when I copy and paste the link the template information is still there and I wish to edit it.


In the image, it shows the altered link but below it still has Zach Kendall’s information how would I go about changing this?

Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK][1]
([how to share your site Read-Only link][2])

[1]: Jon Lam’s Portfolio (
[2]: Share a read-only link | Webflow University

The information you’re showing is the title and description under the homepage settings. Edit that to make your link previews look the way you want. You can add an og:image as well there.

Note that many platforms cache this, so if you have already tried sharing it somewhere, Zach is cached. You’ll need to clear that, depending on the platform.