Landing Contact Form Not Working

Hello, I have a landing page whose form is not working. Every time you type in an email and hit submit it just automatically defaults to displays an error message. It’s currently hooked up to Mailchimp but even without MailChimp it’s not working. Can someone please look into?


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi there @mdominguez07 - just checked out your read-only link. Looks like you don’t have the correct form action URL under your form settings on Webflow. You have the read-only link for your project in here.


From Webflow University, here’s how to get the form action url:

Also, I know you’ll have to make the email input name exactly “email” or “EMAIL” instead of Email for this to work:


Hope this helps!

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Oops - I guess that’s what happens when you work while extremely tired - lol. Thanks so much!

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Haha, no worries! Glad you go it figured out!

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