First off this really is an incredible design platform.
My problem is on a Collection Page, I set up a grid of images with corresponding links. They represent a series of music releases or portfolio items.
But I don’t know how to restyle the page for when it’s one single item. Something had slipped through my understanding of all the fantastic documentation for this program.
Ok so you can create static pages, or use the home page, and place a collection list inside of it. Each cell will get one item and you design the item and it propagates. Inside of an item you can also place a link or a link block, and set the link with the purple CMS options, and set it to Current item.
This link will lead you to a page with only this item. (the CMS “node” page)
To set the content of this page and to design it, you have to use the CMS Collection Page template. You have one template ready for every collection you created.
Once in the Collection Page, design as if you were designing a collection list item, except you don’t need to add a collection list. Drag a title, image and anything and link them to the collection and it will be populated from the current item. You can change the current item shown here:
When I said you don’t need a collection list, you can totaly have a collection list on top of all the content for your current item, so you can link other items, post etc, and there’s even an option for lists to remove the current item from the list.
So you can have a collection of other posts in a post page, or a collection of authors in an article page… everything you can think of. Sometimes you can filter those collections depending on the current item, for example displaying a list of records on a category page. (current category)
Here’s the read only link of my Record Shop demo page, you’ll see how items and list pages are organized, how genres, authors and categories are linked to the records etc.
No, there’s no live filtering feature supported by Webflow at the moment.
But you can use a third-party one, like Mixitup. @sabanna has a couple of great tutorials on how to make it work with Webflow, I Think the most recent one is this one:
You can also use a Tab elements and put a differently filtered collection list inside of each tab, if you want to present a limited amount of options (there’s anyway a limit of 20 collection maximum per page).