IX 2.0 can´t save as symbol

Hey Community,

is it an error or is it intent that I can´t save a object as symbol, if there is a IX 2.0 assigned to it?

Best Maurice


That’s as designed. I don’t think this is a limitation that will be lifted. So we have to deal with it.

At the moment, I have a site with small interactions/motion in header and footer, and I’m using IX Legacy for it.

Yes, you can make IX2 and IX Legacy to cohabitate. Switch from one to the other to design interactions, they’ll all work together, you don’t have to chose from IX2 and Legacy.

If the limitation of no IX2 in symbol isn’t lifted, I hope Legacy will stay.

Thank you for this information. Hopefully they will keep alive both interaction in the future.

I hope this limitation will be lifted. What is the point of making amazing navigation menus with IX2 if you can’t use it across your website?


@Darius3311 @Maurice @vincent They are going to add Symbol support to the new Interactions (when? is what I want to know). From the Webflow blog:

Adding interactions to Symbols, Collection Lists, and Collection Pages
In this initial release, you won’t be able to apply interactions and animations to Symbols, Collection Lists, or elements on a Collection Page — but this is first on our list of improvements.

Making it easier to reuse animations
We’re also working to make animations easier to reuse, so that when you add an animation to a class, every other element with that class will automatically get the same animation. In the meantime, you can use the legacy interactions panel for interactions you want to reuse across a large number of elements.

As others have noted on the forums, nav elements across a site are typically done with a Symbol so one doesn’t have to edit links over and over on every page. And interactions/animations are often added to the nav too (show/hide on scroll, for example). So we need Symbol support!


This is good to know.