Issue with Navbar links pointing at CMS Pages -> 404


I’ve been trying to set up my navbar links using CMS Collection Pages as source, but it keeps giving me a 404.
Please see the issue with the link called Services.
Strangely, it seems to be working for the second link, built the same way, for the Industries I work with.
I also have issues with design on some pages (the ones with a white background) where the animated dropdown menus don’t display properly…
Is there any known reason why my modifications aren’t saved, or seem to go back to a previous stage? Please see on my 404 page, I fixed the link to the homepage 12 times if not more, but it never seems to work!

Please help!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

You’ll need to enable publishing for that collection page-

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