I added Meta Description category to my CMS Collections and now all the pages are returning 404. I removed the Meta Description category and reverted back to how it was before I did anything and now it’s still returning 404. The CMS Collection is called NARAtives Template. The other CMS collections are working so not sure what happened here.
Glad I’m not the only one having this problem. I thought the problem might be tied to my project, so I set up a new project and tested it out, failed. I thought the problem might be with my account, so I set up a new account and tested it there, failed. After seeing this post I feel confident it’s a bug.
Yes I saw a previous post back from 2018: CMS items return 404 with the same issue, so it’s definitely a bug. Just hoping my site can get back to normal in a few hours.
Hi everyone. Just want to let you all know that our engineers are already looking into this issue. Once I get an update on this, I’ll let everyone here know. Thanks for your patience.
I just went in and tried to create a new project using the CMS collection lists and the issue is still there. How long do fixes/roll-backs usually take to propagate? I.e. when should I expect to be able to use collections lists again?
I’m having the same issue and it just cropped up today. It’s in our Clients collection. URL is correct: Space Angels Case Study but getting “Page Not Found” error. Our entire client showcase is down, which is bad because we have prospects looking at us right now through paid ads.
One thing I noticed is that in the Search Result Preview in the collection page settings, it shows this URL: https://www.lenker.com/UNDEFINED/space-angels. So something is definitely up. This is urgent for us right now.
I was taking a look and can confirm the issue. Are you able or have you tried to republish the site?
I have reach out the team to take a look at this but it is weekend so I can’t expect any answers.
Yes, we’ve tried republishing. No effect. And now another client site is exhibiting this problem. This is quite concerning and I hope this is being given top priority. See: