Issue with Facebook OG preview

Recently relaunched a client’s site and it is giving me a 404 preview in Facebook’s OG. The domain is connected, I don’t think there are any issues in the header/footer code of my site - though there is a possibility that due to relaunching it that it has yet to catch up, so to say.

Is there a way to solve this issue or is it a matter of waiting for the SEO to update?


Webflame :fire:

Looks fine (under fb debugger)

Facebook caches it’s content

Try visiting Facebook Debugger page and review what Facebook “sees”. Using this tool forces Facebook to refresh data from the given URL. This is the best way to debug it.

Read full answer her:

Official guide - facebook pre caching

1. Pre-cache the image with the Sharing Debugger

Run the URL through the URL debugger to pre-fetch metadata for the page. You should also do this if you update the image for a piece of content.

Thank you for the link, it seems that it was just a matter of waiting for the site’s data to update on Facebook’s end and it now appears as it should.

Thank you,
Webflame :fire: