Open Graph image not working on LinkedIn

I have a strange issue with Open Graph images. I’ve recently made a change to how they are picked (its set to use an image from inside a Collection). When I try to share a link on Facebook the correct image is shown. However, when shared on LinkedIn the ‘old’ incorrect image is shown instead. Is it a matter of waiting?

Its worth noting that the image selected for Open Graph is actually hidden via conditional visibility on my page at the moment. But given Facebook sees it fine I didn’t think it was an issue?

Here’s the link: Fire Safety Compliance System™

Here is my site Read-Only:
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Social sites that use open graph assets cache them for as long as they can. The process of checking for updates is a very expensive compute operation. They do provide a tool you can use to inspect / update.

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Many thanks for the explanation! Its just updated finally. Thank you for the link checker too.