Is there anyway to change the base breakpoint?

I built a webflow site and just realized that I didn’t build it the base breakpoint.

Is there any easy way to salvage this or will I have to rebuild it in the main base breakpoint?


hi @Faiz and welcome to forum, the answer is yes. I will recommend to visit WF Universityto get familiar how to work in this platform.

It is like with everything else, read manual before use. :wink:

Here is article you should read.

There is no auto process for this. You would need to manually apply whatever CSS styles you want the base breakpoint to have and those will cascade up and down unless a a different breakpoint overrides it.

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There is not explained how to change the Base-breakpoint

Hi @filipaldi there is no way to change “base” brake-point in WF natively and I do not see reason why I will ever want it. You can use custom media queries add extra breakpoints to WF breakpoints if you need but on other side in 95% projects you will be fine with breakpoints what WF offer.

uhmm… have u tried zooming out in ur browser?

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I agree with Faiz that there should be an easier way to move things to another breakpoint if accidentally applied to another one, even if you “read the manual before use”. Also, manually adding breakpoints using custom media queries feels like it’s missing the point of why many are using Webflow in the first place.

Webflow has a wishlist item that seems to match this issue. However, it does not look like it has many votes. There may be others that you can vote as well.

I’d like the basebreak point to be 1280px not 991px.

This size is just too small - it’s for tablets in my opinion.

Would be nice to be able to build out the laptop version at 1280- scaling up using REMs and working down through “large tablet”, “small tablet” “portrait” and “mobile”

The current set up feels like you want to start with a tablet design then create a breakpoint at 1280 to create the desktop version but clients / designers don’t usually provide a tablet version in my experience


Can we change our base breakpoint ??
i.e. we added a custom breakpoint of 1440 and we want to give it the base breakpoint can we do it.
Anyone tells me ??

hi @Rizwan5 what research you have done on your own before posting your request. There is many resources you can read about If and/or how

The answer is no, there is no way to change WF internal settings but simplest way go around is use custom media queries if you need.

Here is one article example found in 5s on internet.