I want to design a blog with multiple images in a gallery, but I can’t use the multi-image cms field as I need caption for the images (multiple captions, the ‘alt text hack’ won’t work).
If I’m interpreting your schema goals correctly, you’re trying to display a different set of photos with each blog post, including a caption per image.
To do that;
C2, C3, C4 should be one collection “Tasty food images”.
Add a Ref to that collection to point at Item
In your Item Collection Page, you’ll drop a collection list, bound to Tasty food images, which filters them to “Item = Current Item”. That will show only images for the current blog post, along with caption, link, photographer, whatever else you want.
Thanks for the reply. Where do I add the filter “Item = Current Item” that you are suggesting? I looked it the conditional visibility settings but ‘current item’ isn’t an option.
Do you have an example of this functioning? Filtering ‘current item’ only seems to be working if the collection you’re referencing matches the collection pages you’re working on.
I’m not sure what’s tripping you up because it’s is a pretty basic setup-
Do you want to share you’re readonly project link and explain where you’re getting stuck?
The basic setup I can get through, but a collection list in a collection item? It inside a collection list item is what I am going for, it seems it’s not possible. I think it might be my sketch doesn’t describe it well.
That’s what a Collection Page is. It represents a single collection item, in this case the one Article you are currently viewing, plus its connected images.
Articles, as many as you want
Photos, contains a ref field to Articles, plus your image and caption
each photo identifies the Article it relates to
Contains the article title, detail, text etc.
Contains a Collection List, bound to Photos
Filter it to only display photos where the photo’s “Article = Current Article”
In those Collection List items, show the image, and the caption of that photo
Riiight. Sorry! Thanks for you patience. I got it now, the stumbling block was that I didn’t realise you were saying each photo should reference the article it belongs to. Once I had understood that, then the “Item = Current Item” option was available as a filter.