Images in Export Code/Asset Manager who are not used in the website

In my website are two images in the Export Code and also in the Asset Manager who i have not defined with CSS and do not use in the project. I do not know how to delete them and do not find where they are defined.
I deleted them in the Asset Manager but they are always new in the Asset Manager when i go from dashboard into the site. And also they are in the export code!

Is this a bug?

The images are:

  1. “stock-photo-texture-of-old-paper-with-zodiac-signs-abstract-astrology-theme-background-59211715.jpg”
  2. “bg_section.jpg”

In the CSS the image “stock-photo-texture-of-old-paper-with-zodiac-signs-abstract-astrology-theme-background-59211715.jpg” is defined in .navbar - but i have not defined it. The other image “bg_section.jpg” i do not find in the CSS-file.

Here is my public share link:

It’s not a bug, Webflow keep the images I think.

The way I know to clear them for sure, as well as unused styles that can’t be cleaned, is to duplicate the site. Can you try that? The duplicated site should be cleaned off any unused asset and style.

I made a copy of the project. But the images are there like before.

Are you sure the images aren’t linked in any existing style, or aren’t used in any remaining symbol?

i think yes. i checked all

If it’s only 2 images can’t you delete them manually?

Ho I misread that… so try that, click on the icon when you hover the image and click on delete.

i deleted the images always but everytime i come back from dashboard to the project they are in the asset manager and also defind in CSS. But i do not use them.Also in the Export Code they exist.

Can you please give me an answer. Thanks

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