How to promote blog with SEO, where to add meta description, tags, snippets and alts.
Will be really useful to how to make search engines to see my blog. Because of limitation in 80 pages have no choice to use blog
Thank you in advance
How to promote blog with SEO, where to add meta description, tags, snippets and alts.
Will be really useful to how to make search engines to see my blog. Because of limitation in 80 pages have no choice to use blog
Thank you in advance
When you’ll have created your collections and enter data, go to the post template and open the page settings.
You will see that:
It’s extremely powerful, and close to ideal.
You can reuse data from your posts such as title, teaser, image etc. But you can also add to your Collection settings some fields that you’re dedicating especially for SEO and OpenGraph. For example if Facebook and Twitter are important to you you could decide to produce, for each post, an optimized OpenGraph image, or for Google, a special SEO title.
Remember that Google results will display your SEO description, but for the search, ONLY the SEO title count. So that’s what is really important: the SEO title. If you want a super optimized blog, it’s not a bad idea to add a SEO title to the collection and make sure it contains all the important words, in the important order, with the optimal length.
The CMS SEO page settings panel is one of my favorite things in Webflow! it shows well how powerful, visual and cool the whole CMS is. It’s a jewel. Before Webflow CMS, having SEo per post right was a total hassle. Gazzilion of clicks, publishs, check, tools needed etc.
And the RSS settings, haha, the same wonderful thing!
Could you please show me how to add SEO description field
here you go
“Teaser Texte” is it same with “post summary” ? Everyone will see it right or only search engine ?
“Teaser Texte” is it same with “post summary” ? Everyone will see it or only search engine ?
Also where to add keywords ?
this has been removed since Google doesn’t use it anymore. More info here:
Place your keywords, or, more to the point: keyword phrases in the blog post. Just use natural, first person, conversational language. Use keywords in the blog post title, the H1 tag (only use one (1) H1 tag per blog post (for the blog list page, use H2 tags after the main H1 tag calling out the title of the page as “Blog Posts List Page” or something similar) and, depending on how long the blog post is, maybe once in the body of the blog post itself
Take care as to not mention anything too many times, or Google will ding you for keyword stuffing, which now has the power to get you blacklisted from all Google SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) for long enough to damage a business or blog’s reputation so significantly, you may have to start over. I’ve seen documented cases that the offenders had start over with an entirely new domain name. Not fun!
An example of keyword stuffing:
Brian sells the best XYZ Widgets on the market. His XYZ Widgets are reliable and inexpensive! You could do SO much worse buying your XYZ Widgets somewhere else! Please look at our website for testimonials from our customers who purchased XYZ Widgets from Brian.
OK Zhanb… Good Luck!
Thank you very much!
Great example and very useful!
Wish you good luck