I want to set up an email so it can be anyname@mydomain that I have registered.
For example, instead of john@gmail/yahoo/aol etc., I would like john@mydomain.com
How can I do this?
Thank you!
I want to set up an email so it can be anyname@mydomain that I have registered.
For example, instead of john@gmail/yahoo/aol etc., I would like john@mydomain.com
How can I do this?
Thank you!
thank you for the quick reply!..are these the best ones? i wish i knew more about it. i registered the domain through namecheap…shouldnt it come from there rather than external sites?
Namecheap has their own email hosting service:
But, personally, I would go with G Suite
Agreed. Rock solid choice. Plus you get the benefits of Gmail (and all the Google toys) as part of your domain, with additional options like custom domain logo, company-wide user controls, domain-level email routing, and a lot more.
thank you so much! appreciate it
It’s been said already - but Zoho is free and is pretty good. You can use Zoho and then configure your personal email (Gmail) to import your Zoho email to your account so that you can basically use Gmail for your domain name email. If it’s business - and you’re willing to spend the bobs - go with G-Suite
Best of luck
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