How to open either a external link or a PDF from the collection item

I have created a collection in which I want some items to point to PDFs and some points to URLs.

But when I select either in the collection item all the other items get updated too.
Can anyone help me with this issue here, I am kind of stuck searching for the solutions

Hi, Rushiraj

Could you please share your project?

Here you go @alexissilva

Nice! The solution would be you create in the collection list a link field and then set this field to open in a new tab in the collection list.

So, there you will be able to set the link being a PDF or URL (you can upload the PDF and then copy the link that will be generated and about the URL, you just copy the slug)

Let me know if it works


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Hey @alexissilva
Thank you so much for the update, but can you give me some sort of example, I am new to Webflow so not getting exactly what you are trying to say.

Hi, for sure!

When you go to the item in the collection, you should have 3 fields to this work.

  1. URL
  2. PDF
  3. Final URL

When you upload a PDF into the collection item, webflow will generate a URL for this PDF.

So, you can get this URL for this PDF and set it to the Final URL.

If you do not have a PDF, so copy the URL field and copy again to the Final URL.

In the collection item on the webflow, you can set to the div link, the final URL.

So, you can control if it is PDF or not regarding the URL link (PDF or some external URL) into the collection.

If you need a following process, add me on Linkedin and we can do it together :smiley:

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