Obviously what I built needs to be styled, but is this what you’re looking for? All your products on a single-page with add-to-cart buttons for each?
If so, totally doable! Are you familiar with using the CMS / Collection Lists? If so, that’s exactly the method I used to build this! Drop a Collection List into a static (non-CMS page) of your choosing, select your Products collection as the source, and you’re set! You can drop in all the elements you want, style it, and then add the Add-to-Cart component to finish things off.
Yep! Most definitely can do that. You can use the same classes and do everything pretty much exactly as you’ve been doing it. The only thing that you do different is that you need to start with dropping in a collection list! That’ll allow you to handle all your dynamic items with ease and show all products. (I think there’s a limit of 100 items on a page per collection list, but it doesn’t look like you’ll reach that with your current set up.)
This topic describes exactly what I’m working on right now. mattvaru, it appears that the video clip that you posted here back in September 2019 is no longer viewable. Any chance it still exists somewhere for me to view? Apparently it may answer the same questions for me that it did for the original poster. Thanks!
I have multiple products on a page using a collection list on a non-template page. Clicking add to cart or buy now only adds one of the products, it doesn’t register the other product or add it to the cart.
Clicking on Add to cart only adds one of the products, despite being different. I checked the SKU and the slug in the backend, both unique. Not sure what the problem is.
Hi @PaintLaurent! John here. This is a known issue that the Ecommerce team was able to isolate. They are currently pushing out a fix for this and it should be updated shortly.
Once the update is released, you will just need to re-publish the project for the changes to take effect.
Thanks in advance for your patience and help here. I’ll reach out with new information as soon as I have it.