How to handle links to Collection Pages when only some Collection List items have Collection Pages

Looking at the webflow video, it shows that if you create a button in a Collection List Item to link it to its Collection Page, this button automagically shows up in all Collection List items displayed in a Collection List. This works if all items in the list have a Collection Page, but not if some do and some don’t. Can one set things up to have the buttons appear only in Collection List items that have Collection Pages, and not show up in Collection Items that don’t have Collection Pages?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Yes. You’ll need some way to differentiate when you want a Collection Page to be linked to, and when you don’t. If there’s nothing obvious like “I want to show that page only if my Description rich text field has content,” than the easiest way is to specify it manually.

To do that, add a Switch to your collection, named e.g. Show Page and switch it ON for all where you want that button to appear.

Then in your collection list, set the filter for that button to display only if Show Page is on.

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Thanks for providing great solution.