How do i have a button on one collection page that's different to the buttons on other collection pages

how do i have a button on one collection page that’s different to the buttons on other collection pages. i want the same button but different link

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

That depends on exactly what you’re wanting to do.
But let’s assume you want every collection item to be able to have its own link;

  1. Create your link field in your CMS Collection
  2. Enter the link URL data you want for each CMS item
  3. Bind that link to the button element on your collection page

In the designer, purple things are related or connected to the CMS. Under links you’ll see that some settings are purple, it will help you navigate the features.

You can also do things like;

Use conditional visibility to hide that button if there is no link data on a particular CMS item.
Open the link in a new tab, so that the browser doesn’t navigate away from your page