How to display time in visitor time zone?

Here is the scrip that is mising in the step 3 in this website: Webflow time zone converter

<script src=""></script>

const defaultTimezone = 'America/La_Paz'; // here choose your webflow site time zone.

const local = luxon.DateTime.local(); 

const localZoneName = local.zoneName; 

$(function() {
    $('.timezone-convert').each(function(index) { 
        const date = $(this).text();
        const defaultDateTime = date.replace(' ', 'T') + ' ' + defaultTimezone; 
        const defaultDateTimeObject = luxon.DateTime.fromFormat(defaultDateTime, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm z", { setZone: true });

        const localDateTimeObject = defaultDateTimeObject.setZone(localZoneName);
        const localString = localDateTimeObject.toLocaleString(luxon.DateTime.DATETIME_FULL);

        if (!localDateTimeObject.invalid) {
            $(this).text(date + " (" + localString + ")");

I hope it works for everyone. Make sure your datetime fields in webflow follows this format: yyyy-MM-dd H:mm