How to delete breakpoint?

Is there any logic behind that we can’t remove the breakpoint?

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Now we can to delete breakpoints with a Magic Finsweet Extension:raised_hands:


Thank you so much for this. This worked like a charm :sparkles:

Found a solution! You can use this extension by Finsweet


it still affects the project, it forces a different layout on a screen size that I do not intend to have

this worked for me. thanks. nice tool

Thank you very much! You do not believe how much trouble has saved me this tip! Thank you for sharing this with us :pray:

These tools awesome, thank you @Finsweet!

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I love you. I love you. I love you. Oh my GOD I love you SO MUCH.

Is there an update on this?
By copying a component from another webflow project I also imported a new breakpoint and I need to delete it. Undoing was not possible.

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you can remove the breakpoints with a chrome extension called “Finsweet for webflow”

Here’s a link:

once you’ve installed the extension, head to your webflow website and refresh it. You’ll see a new icon on the left that looks like “F+”, go to > breakpoints > “wait for it to sync” > it’ll show you the breakpoints >pick the ones you want to delete and that’s it.