my web site mustafizurr are loading very slow. How to speed up my web site.?
See screen shoot:
my web site mustafizurr are loading very slow. How to speed up my web site.?
See screen shoot:
Did you try checking your image sizes? All images should be below 300kb if possible. You likely have a few super large images that are slowing down the site. Can you please post your public link for anyone looking at this thread in the future?
thanks for replay. i use only 2 image. i mean only 2 image are not slow down my site. i already optimize image but not speed up.
@leylarose doesn’t look like a Webflow site based on the source code. It looks like your Wordpress theme includes a lot of scripts/stylesheets included in the <head>
tag, which really slows down page rendering (since the page needs to wait for all of these to load before doing anything):
One suggestion could be to rebuild the site with Website interactions and animations | Webflow - which includes the functionality of a lot of the libraries that you are currently loading manually (such as jQuery Waypoints, Skrollr, etc).
Guidelines to speed up your website