How do I update my site thumbnail/preview image?

When posting a link to my site in social media such as facebook and Twitter, and in SMS text messages, the preview image shown is for the template used to create the site, instead of the actual site.

This topic has been asked before, but the answer is out of date and incorrect.
How do I update my site thumbnail? - Publishing help / Editor - Forum | Webflow

Please update.

Note: the instructions on this official page only applies to the thumbnails shown on the Dashboard in Webflow, not the images provided to outsiders.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hey Ryan,

I know it’s been over a year and you may have found your answer already, but I figured I would answer the question anyway to contribute to the forum.

What you are looking for is called the Open Graph Image. It can be found inside the page settings within the designer. The same place you go to update your Meta Descriptions, etc.

Here’s a more in depth article on it:

Hope this is helpful to anyone else who lands on this question!