I am ready to go live with my site and went to Project Settings>Hosting and inputted my domain (from Google). At first, Webflow showed two A records that I need to set up in my Google Domains account. I inputted one of the A records in Google Domains, but when I went back into Webflow, the second A record is not showing and I can’t seem to find how to view this information again in order to add it to Google Domains.
Webflow says my site is ‘connected’ but when I go to view it (www.nataliejadestudio), I receive a 404 record.
Maybe, just maybe you need to make your www.natalie… your default
Also, may I suggest you spend a little extra money and get google’s g-suite. I suggest because you can then setup your own emails i.e. natalie@nataliejadestudio.com or admin@nataliejadestudio.com plus a lot more.
Hi! Not always is needed to connect both A records. But make sure to connect the CMAKE record that you will find in Webflow domain connect. Just copy & paste to the google domain. Sometimes you have to wait up to 48 hours for DNS to propagate.