How do I change the font in a Rich Text block in a CMS collection?

If you’re looking at a CMS collection and one of its fields is a Rich Text element, how do you change the text font in it? If I highlight the text a little dialog pops up that lets me change the font size, create a link, or make it H1, H2, H3, H4, etc. but no choice to change the font itself.

Separately, on a Collections page, I dragged a Rich Text element onto the page, referenced the CMS collection in question, and went into the settings tab. I looked for “get font from [Collection]” but didn’t see something like it. Just “Get text/background/border color from…” etc.

I’m stumped!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

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Hi @troyANFT, here is a good article that shows how to style the Rich Text Block: Rich text element overview | Webflow University

At the moment you cannot set the font dynamically from the cms binding, unless you perhaps used a little custom code to read in a font name from a collection field and change the css style using a little javascript at run time.

Normally you would style the Rich Text block and the content you bind will take on those font styles given in the Rich Text block (or other bound element that has a font style).

If you would like to help share the read-only link to the site and let us know what page the Rich Text block is on we can take a further look: Share a read-only link | Webflow University

I hope this helps


Hi Cyberdave,

Thanks very much for the thorough response. Here is my read-only link:

Please navigate to the CMS collections page “Events Template.” To put it simply, I’m trying to style these fonts, and struggling to do so.

Hi there,

Great question, and hopefully I can help. :nerd_face:

I have gone ahead and created a short screencapture that walks-through how to edit the style of your Rich Text element for CMS collections: Screen Recording 2018-05-22...

As Cyberdave mentioned, you would style the Rich Text block and the content you bind will take on those font styles given in the Rich Text block (or other bound element that has a font style).

Hopefully this was helpful :bowing_man:


Mistercreate, this is incredibly helpful. Thank you so much for taking the time to make this video. I really appreciate it

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Excellent walk through how to solve this. Thanks!

Absolutely amazing. It solved my issue.

Hello everyone, it’s working for me except for the bullet points I have inside the rich text. The font I’m using applies to all the body except for the bullet points. And since I can not just select that part, I’m finding it very hard. Can someone help me please??