How do custom w-container width?

How do custom w-container width?

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Drag in a div block then give it a max-width of your choice :slight_smile:

Then on tablet will not fit all

So you can change max-width on tablet view to 100%

Thank you, I understand the decision. For the desktop version should be used padding left right then everything is OK

Hi @semenkov, one more thing, if you wanted to set the w-container max width to something higher than 940px, you could do that, but it requires a little custom css:

Otherwise, I would use a div block, set the left and right margin to auto and the width you need the div block to be, i.e. 70%, 80% etc. The div block will be centered automatically in the view.

If you need some help with that, remembers to share the read-only link: Share a read-only link | Webflow University

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