Help with Webflow DNS CNAME via GoDaddy

I am having trouble establishing SSL with GoDaddy.

and the website loads as not secure…

please help me =)

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Screenshot 2022-09-18 at 10.12.06

Solved… by itself =)

Hey Natasaha,

Glad to hear this is all solved! I reckon this was probably just caused by a delay with the CNAME record propagating. It can sometimes take up to 48 hours and the status in the WF Dashboard can be slow to update sometimes. It’s pretty normal for these to solve themselves once the records propagate though :pray:

Just remember to set your www. address as the default domain as well! As this will help w/ SEO and traffic routing. In your screenshot it looks like it hasn’t been set:

There’s some more info on default domains in Webflow available here: Set a default domain | Webflow University

Best of luck with the site launch!

Yes this delay seems common, I usually see a 1 to 2 hour delay when Webflow sites are first published as secured and I think it’s related to the SSL certificate provisioning process.

Google says about 60 minutes, Others like Dnsimple say between 1 and 3 hours is normal.