Help with image element

Hi there,

Could someone help me figure out how to put this element into the corner of this box? But I want two sides to be cut off and hidden in the upper right corner of the box.

Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)](Webflow - Bold Design)

The approach is referred to as relative-absolute positioning.
Here’s a discussion-

And some suggestions that will help-

  1. you probably want fun-blog inside of book-call
  2. book-call needs top padding so it’s not covered by the image
  3. overflow clip, so you cut off the edges
  4. position relative, since fun-blog will be positioned relative to book-call

  1. fun-blog…
  2. position absolute
  3. left and bottom auto, top and right slightly negative to push them out of frame