Add a corner with text on a box

Hello everyone,

On my landing page i added a box with the product details + price and in the upper right corner i would like to emphasis that it is a discount limited in time. For example, the background of the upper right corner side could be with a background in blue and the text “DISCOUNT until xxx/xxx”. See attached an example.


Do you have an idea on how to do that with Webflow ? Thanks a lot for your help!

Here is my site Read-Only:
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi, could you provide a Webflow read only link?

Give this product box a position of Relative.
Place a new div with desired size, give it a background color and position Absolute at the right upper corner. place some text inside.
Now you can add a Transform of Rotate to that div of 45 degree for the Z.

I hope this helps.

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Hi ! Here is my site Read-Only: